This graphic novel uses Ka-Blam Digital Printing!

This graphic novel uses Ka-Blam Digital Printing

Ka-Blam is a trademark of 01Comics, Inc. The Ka-Blam Girl is by Steven Butler. (I do not own the rights to either.)

About my "canon notes:"

Posts labeled "canon notes" are not meant to accurately portray any religious, scientific, or social canon. They are notes concerning the fictional universe I've invented for the setting of Wolfram: A Gothic Parable.

Progress reports: now done weekly.

First, I'm letting everyone know through this blog and my GooglePlus page that I'll be posting prograss reports every weekend to help keep me on track.

And now, the update!

Pages 1-21 of 24 are complete, as are 2 of 3 cover pages. (Remember that the back cover is an advert space purchased by the printer for a discounted printing price.)


23 (completed) ÷ 27 (total) = ~.851851 = ~85% completion.

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