This graphic novel uses Ka-Blam Digital Printing!

This graphic novel uses Ka-Blam Digital Printing

Ka-Blam is a trademark of 01Comics, Inc. The Ka-Blam Girl is by Steven Butler. (I do not own the rights to either.)

About my "canon notes:"

Posts labeled "canon notes" are not meant to accurately portray any religious, scientific, or social canon. They are notes concerning the fictional universe I've invented for the setting of Wolfram: A Gothic Parable.

Name change imminent! Wolfremica: A Gothic Parable

EDIT: In the time since I wrote this article, a friend and I decided that the best thing to do was to call the main comics series Wolfremica: A Gothic Parable and write a companion text called the Encyclopædia Wolfremica. The remainder of this article is obsolete.

I know I have a very small readership, but I would like this to be a big thing eventually. In the event that this graphic novel does become popular I desperately want to avoid any Cease and Desist orders. I perceive that the current title might pose a possible risk for action by the mathematics tool Wolfram if discovered. I want to stress that no one has approached me about this. I simply perceive that it could be problematic. To avert this probability, I am electing to change the name of my comic book/graphic novel series to one of two possible titles. The final choice may have an effect not the style or format of the comics, so please read this article completely before voting.

The Werwolf of Löwenschild

This choice contains a spoiler.  Karsten does in fact become a werewolf, albeit different from the ones that attacked him, and he does achieve complete control over his transformed body after a while.  The relevance here is that he is unique in the ruling organization of the Ordnung von Wolfram, which is called Löwenschild.  Hence the significance of the title.  Little will change if this title is chosen; it will be mostly sequential art format.

Encyclopaedia Wolfremica

This format of the story will contain frequent prose-, poetry-, and reference-style exposition to share knowledge about the world of the Wolfrim.  This will mean more reading, which could be a very good thing, and will also mean more frequent publication, as I currently am releasing about one issue every few years lately.
Please follow this link and vote on what you think the next title of the graphic novel should be: Click Here!

Looking forward to your answers!

Eric Daniel (Spark E.) Muntz