It's been a while since my last progress report. So here's where I am right now.
8 pages finished
7 pages started (varying degrees of completion)
7 pages not started
2 of 3 cover pages finished
I self-assess my progress at 58 percent.
And now for a reader update...
You may have noticed that Issue 4 is uploaded to the reader. It has been for, I'd say, about a month now. Sorry I didn't alert you to it earlier.
UPDATE (June 23, 2017): this chart is missing two pages (not started). I have completed four incomplete pages since, which places my REAL progress currently at about 57 percent. So about the same as I thought it was four days ago, which is disappointing to me; I had thought I was doing pretty well.
About my "canon notes:"
Posts labeled "canon notes" are not meant to accurately portray any religious, scientific, or social canon. They are notes concerning the fictional universe I've invented for the setting of Wolfram: A Gothic Parable.