This graphic novel uses Ka-Blam Digital Printing!

This graphic novel uses Ka-Blam Digital Printing

Ka-Blam is a trademark of 01Comics, Inc. The Ka-Blam Girl is by Steven Butler. (I do not own the rights to either.)

About my "canon notes:"

Posts labeled "canon notes" are not meant to accurately portray any religious, scientific, or social canon. They are notes concerning the fictional universe I've invented for the setting of Wolfram: A Gothic Parable.

Canon notes: Wolfremic terminology

"Wolfram" - a creature that used to be a were- or wifwolf but is now a fully sentient wolf that has sworn off bloodlust and revenge.  The term is sex-neutral, and may be used in lieu of the sexed terms if preferred.  It is necessary to use this term if the Wolfram's sex is either uncertain or confidential.
 I was unaware that my wolf dog was actually a Wolfram assigned to survey my house.
"Wolfram-er" - a male Wolfram.  Mostly used when the sex of the individual is pertinent to an understanding of the context of a conversation.
You wouldn't understand; it's a Wolfram-er thing.
"Wolfram-in" - a female Wolfram.  Mostly used when the sex of the individual is pertinent to an understanding of the context of a conversation.
She was displeased about being recognized as an "exceptional Wolfram-in."
"Wolfrim" - plural of Wolfram.  
Three out of seven Wolfrim stayed behind.
 "the Wolfrim" - All Wolfrim, as a whole. 
You have made yourself an enemy of the Wolfrim!
"Wolfrim-er" -  plural of Wolfram-er.
Misinformation led the public to consider Wolfrim-er a particular menace.
"Wolfrem-in" - plural of Wolfram-in.
For reasons unknown, the disease has only affected Wolfrem-in.
"Wolfremic" - of or pertaining to the Wolfrim.
 The concept was mostly Wolfremic in origin.
A group of Wolfrim is a "troupe" (2-10), a "flock" (10-100), or a "congregation" (>100)
A small troupe left the Cleft to patrol the area.
The flock took cover behind rocks, beneath bushes and in foxholes.
The Baroque hymn sung by the congregation of Wolfrim filled the woods and echoed through the valleys.

"man," "men," "woman," "women," "people," "person," etc. are all acceptable to use, and even preferred, when the detail of being a Wolfram is irrelevant or confidential
Give the man some room; he can hardly breathe!
She was a kind woman, despite her cold facade and perpetual snarl.
The flock under your command is filled with wonderful people; focus on that.
"Cleft" - a safe haven for the Wolfrim, often a subterranean stronghold.
We should take cover in the secret Cleft to the east of here.
"TUAB"  ("Those United Across Britannia") - a rumored network of scattered Wolfrim spanning the British Isles, currently inaccessible to the known Wolfrim.
We can't afford to waste air debating the existence or nonexistence of TUAB; we will never be able to secure passage to the British Isles, anyway.

Progress report for late October

Using the same basic imagery from two progress reports ago, here's what I've got for this month...
Green = 100% finished
Yellow=75% finished
Red = 0% finished

Let's use a points system: 4 points, 3 points, 0 points.

4 points     x    16 pages    =    64 points
3 points     x      4 pages    =    12 points
0 points     x      7 pages    =      0 points

(Two of the red pages above are blank copies of the previous spread mistakenly included in the infographic, so please disregard them.)

There are 27 pages in all (including three cover pages, excluding the back cover page).

27 pages x 4 points each = 108 points possible.

Points earned = 76

76 ÷ 108 = ~70.37% complete

In the words of Glados from the Portal games: 
"This was a triumph; I'm making a note here: Huge Decent success!..."

Reformatting future print size from 6.75 x 10.25 inches to 6 x 9 inches

I'm filing this under "progress reports," even though it's really more of a lateral strafe than forward progress.  I think just by staying in motion is important, and this was something fun and to keep me on the project while I worked up some more creativity and gumption to move forward on the story and art.

Nevertheless, I have done some artwork and, and I reworked a few of the things I'd gotten done earlier while I was at this, so I'm still claiming some progress.

Anyway, a while back, I thought I could save some money by printing pocket sized editions at home using borderless printing on saddle bound 8.5 x 11 inch printer paper, producing 5.5 x 8.5 booklets.  As any practiced expert can tell you, that's not a reliable or cost-effective way of doing things.  For some reason, I still felt like I had to give it a shot.

The ultimate bust notwithstanding, I gained from it the idea of a sleeker, more portable format, and I realized that 6 x 9 inches, barely larger than 5.5 x 8.5 inches, is the same proportion as 6.75 x 10.25 inches (a perfect ratio of 2:3).

So, introducing the new size format, along with the (less-recently) reworked logo and cover design:

Followup on this progress report: October 25, 2016

The 6x9 inch format and I have decided to go our separate ways.  I sent some page files in the 6x9 format to see how it would look and feel in my hands, and it wasn't speaking to me the way I had thought it would.

I also found that my brightness and contrast settings needed major tweaking, particularly my more recently created pages, and including on the cover page.  This may be partly due to the software I've been trying out.  The tools in it change the feel of my work in a way I'm not feeling the best about.  I'll still be using Manga Studio, but not relying on the brush tools the way I had been doing.

I'll also be test printing at home from now on, now that I know that I don't want to change formats.  My printer is reliable enough to accurately render a decent resemblance of the final look.