Name: Natalie Löwe
Height: 5'9" at the shoulder
Fur: Black
Eyes: Sepia
Myers-Briggs type: INTJ
Alignment: Lawful Good
Alignment: Lawful Good
- Director of the Ordnung von Wolfram.
- Features of a wolf, height and basic proportions of a slightly small riding horse.
- Authoritative without being authoritarian.
- Abides by the regulations of the Ordnung von Wolfram, knowing that all her actions are observed by the Wolfrim, knowing that if she does not keep the rules, fools will imitate her without bothering to examine why she breaks them. She does not discourage those close to her from breaking the rules, if it's for a very good cause. Nonetheless, consequences will follow.
- Not overtly sentimental, except where family is concerned.