This graphic novel uses Ka-Blam Digital Printing!

This graphic novel uses Ka-Blam Digital Printing

Ka-Blam is a trademark of 01Comics, Inc. The Ka-Blam Girl is by Steven Butler. (I do not own the rights to either.)

About my "canon notes:"

Posts labeled "canon notes" are not meant to accurately portray any religious, scientific, or social canon. They are notes concerning the fictional universe I've invented for the setting of Wolfram: A Gothic Parable.

Progress report - New Years Eve - about 23.5% complete

Progress on Issue 5
I've neglected my progress report for a few weeks, so lets pick that back up again, shall we?  As the year closes, I've completed 2 cover pages and 2 body pages and have either laid out or begun artwork on 7 pages.

Value assigned to pages in green: 1 point(s)                        4 pages =  4 points
Value assigned to pages in yellow: .3333... point(s)            7 pages = 2.333...
Value assigned to pages in red: 0 point(s)                          16 pages = 0 points

~6.33 ÷ 27 = .234567091...
Progress = about 23.5% complete.

Canon notes - The Wolfremic-Fenrin fog of war

Wolfram: A Gothic Parable, among other things is a tale of strategic survival.  There are espionage missions, secret research, and a 'fog of war' among factions.  These canon notes address the mystery of the _Ordnung von Wolfram_ to the Fenrin lycanthropes.

Given the details into which I am about to go, I stress once more that this graphic novel is from a fictitious universe of my own design.  It is intended to reflect certain truths through typological representation.  Though it goes without saying to most people, I fear that many people will take the fiction far too seriously.  I do not believe that werewolves exist. (Clinical lycanthropy, a mental disorder that may account for the lore, is another story.)

Fenrins are often unstable killers, who join the cult of the Veneris for the thrill of the chase.  Few are true believers in the future promised by their overlord, the belly of whose better-known persona, Fenrir, was believed by the ancient Germanic tribes to be the final resting place of all the realms.  Their first victim of sorts is their “graft,” a wolf whose biology and body is bound to theirs through sorcery, allowing them to transform into the image of a wolf when they wish (with a thoroughly caricatured appetite for blood, which comes from the deranged human “sire” or “dame”).  Any victims they infect constitute the werewolf lore with which most of us are familiar.
Having conquered a hunter and continuing to hunt out of sheer bloodlust, the idea of falling into the position of prey is unthinkable to them.  Who would abandon the hunt to join the hunted?

The following excerpt contains a partial spoiler!

In the beginning of issue #5 (creation in progress), Markos has ensnared Isolda by pretending to be a drowning human.  Once he has her subdued, he begins to taunt her...

MARKOS: “Poor lamb... weak and defenseless, often alone. Tell me, what drove you to leave the fellowship of your fellow hunters to join that company of boring herd creatures. The ‘Ordnung von Wolfram...’  What a pompous title for the kind of beast you've become!”

Isolda reflects on two lessons she learned as a Wolfram: first, never to beg for mercy from a Fenrin; second, drawn from the pages of scripture, “I send you out as sheep among wolves.* Therefore, be as shrewd as vipers and as innocent as doves.” (Matthew 10:16, para.)

*For clarification: A friend named +Jenny Sue Hane  has shared the information with me in recent years that scientific studies indicate that wolves are much less of a danger to livestock than previously thought, particularly with non-lethal conflict methods in place.  While the subject is still under debate, this article lists a few predator-deterring methods that seem to work well: waving red flags and keeping guard dogs often deters predators from attacking livestock.  The idea of sending sheep among wolves is counter-intuitive, as it is meant to be when Jesus says it to his disciples, warning them of the hostilities they would face.  The principle holds for Christians in many countries that are hostile towards the Gospel, though the imagery may be considered, in a small way, archaic to discerning modern westerners.

Isolda goes on to answer with a parable of sorts, the first of her signature parables we will see in the series:

ISOLDA: I left the fellowship of hunters because a greater Hunter bested me as I hunted.  I was lured away, captured, and altered.  My nature was forever changed.  I no longer hunt flesh, and yet, still, I hunt.
...Herdlings though we be, my kind never stops hunting.  I'm hunting souls.  I'm after your soul, your cohorts' souls, and your fellow hunters' souls...  I will pursue and capture as many as I can!
...Though weak, I am mighty; often lonely, but never alone!  Yes, I am a poor, harmless lamb in a safe fold guarded by my Shepherd, and yet I pursue His prize.  The Ordnung von Wolfram is both flock and army to a Warrior Shepherd, and it grows stronger, soul by soul, hour by hour. That is the kind of 'beast' I've become, Markos of Corinth.
Though Isolda struggles to acquaint him with the meaning of her parable, Markos remains unwilling to consider the story anything but a ploy to make him fearful of a contrived avenger of his prey.  He mocks her Warrior Shepherd and unceremoniously throws her over his shoulder, taking her away as she laments to herself for his hardened soul.

Progress report - Issue #5 - about 17% complete.

EDIT: I previously posted that the total progress was estimated at 20% completion, calculating "formated" pages at .5-point value.  I have adjusted the progress by assigning formatted pages with .25 value, half of what I assigned the first time.

Pages finished: 4 pages (2 of them are covers)
Pages formatted: 3 pages
Pages not started: 20 pages

Total Pages: 27 pages

4(1) + 3(.25) = 4 + .75 = 4.75

4.75 ÷ 27 = about 17% complete.

Thanksgiving update - 10% complete

I'm finding myself needing to re-script the next issue for a few reasons.

First, some of the material I had created seemed not to be serious enough or appropriate for the point I was trying to make.  Part of this re-scripting has established Isolda's occupation as a composer of parables and reclassified her as an adamant wordsmith, rather than an adamant sentinel (see canon notes concerning Wolfremic humorology).

Another reason was to cut out less relevant material, because I'm probably not going to fit all of Chapter 2 into three issues, like I promised implicitly on the cover of Issue #4 (labeled as Chapter 2, part 1 of 3) without lengthening the issues to 32 pages or more.  I'll have to see what I can do to keep this promise.

And now, the Thanksgiving update:

Using the colors here, I estimate my progress as follows:

So here we go... to my American readers, a safe and Happy Thanksgiving! (And please spend it giving thanks with family, and not defeating the purpose by stampede-shopping for things you don't really need to replace the things for which you might have just given thanks.)

To the rest of the world, a happy and safe third-Thursday-Friday-and-weekend-in-November!

Second progress report - Issue #5 has begun production.

Now I reiterate the progress report from yesterday.  Issue #4 is complete, and a print proof is being sent to me now.  That is all for issue #4.

And now a progress report for issue #5:

Total early progress = 4.7 ÷ 27 = ~0.174 = ~17.4%
Total overall progress = .5 ÷ 27 = 0.018 = ~ 1.8%

Early Progress Report - Issue 4 (Chapter 2, Part 1 of 3)

I decided to do this progress report a few days early.

So here's the data we're working with.

Cover pages: 3 complete of 3, none incomplete.
Internal pages: 24 complete of 24, none incomplete.
Back page: printer's advertising space.


So, yeah, Issue 4 is complete and all pages have been submitted for a preliminary printing.


Progress reports: now done weekly.

First, I'm letting everyone know through this blog and my GooglePlus page that I'll be posting prograss reports every weekend to help keep me on track.

And now, the update!

Pages 1-21 of 24 are complete, as are 2 of 3 cover pages. (Remember that the back cover is an advert space purchased by the printer for a discounted printing price.)


23 (completed) ÷ 27 (total) = ~.851851 = ~85% completion.

Quick update - November 1, 2016

I don't feel like struggling over creating complicated infographics, so I'm going to do it really simply—with a capital X color coded and highlighted in the same color to represent one page.
Issue 4 consists of 24 B/W pages and 4 full-color cover pages.


pages complete: 20
cover pages complete: 2

pages unfinished: 4
cover pages unfinished: 1
cover pages not-my-problem: 1 (Ka-Blam back page ad = printing discount)

So, defragmenting the data, we have:

22 ÷ 27 = .814814... = ~81.5% completion

6.5% progress since October 25, 2016
25.5% progress since September 9, 2016

In short, I think the act of taking canon notes is helping.

Canon notes: Wolfremic terminology

"Wolfram" - a creature that used to be a were- or wifwolf but is now a fully sentient wolf that has sworn off bloodlust and revenge.  The term is sex-neutral, and may be used in lieu of the sexed terms if preferred.  It is necessary to use this term if the Wolfram's sex is either uncertain or confidential.
 I was unaware that my wolf dog was actually a Wolfram assigned to survey my house.
"Wolfram-er" - a male Wolfram.  Mostly used when the sex of the individual is pertinent to an understanding of the context of a conversation.
You wouldn't understand; it's a Wolfram-er thing.
"Wolfram-in" - a female Wolfram.  Mostly used when the sex of the individual is pertinent to an understanding of the context of a conversation.
She was displeased about being recognized as an "exceptional Wolfram-in."
"Wolfrim" - plural of Wolfram.  
Three out of seven Wolfrim stayed behind.
 "the Wolfrim" - All Wolfrim, as a whole. 
You have made yourself an enemy of the Wolfrim!
"Wolfrim-er" -  plural of Wolfram-er.
Misinformation led the public to consider Wolfrim-er a particular menace.
"Wolfrem-in" - plural of Wolfram-in.
For reasons unknown, the disease has only affected Wolfrem-in.
"Wolfremic" - of or pertaining to the Wolfrim.
 The concept was mostly Wolfremic in origin.
A group of Wolfrim is a "troupe" (2-10), a "flock" (10-100), or a "congregation" (>100)
A small troupe left the Cleft to patrol the area.
The flock took cover behind rocks, beneath bushes and in foxholes.
The Baroque hymn sung by the congregation of Wolfrim filled the woods and echoed through the valleys.

"man," "men," "woman," "women," "people," "person," etc. are all acceptable to use, and even preferred, when the detail of being a Wolfram is irrelevant or confidential
Give the man some room; he can hardly breathe!
She was a kind woman, despite her cold facade and perpetual snarl.
The flock under your command is filled with wonderful people; focus on that.
"Cleft" - a safe haven for the Wolfrim, often a subterranean stronghold.
We should take cover in the secret Cleft to the east of here.
"TUAB"  ("Those United Across Britannia") - a rumored network of scattered Wolfrim spanning the British Isles, currently inaccessible to the known Wolfrim.
We can't afford to waste air debating the existence or nonexistence of TUAB; we will never be able to secure passage to the British Isles, anyway.

Progress report for late October

Using the same basic imagery from two progress reports ago, here's what I've got for this month...
Green = 100% finished
Yellow=75% finished
Red = 0% finished

Let's use a points system: 4 points, 3 points, 0 points.

4 points     x    16 pages    =    64 points
3 points     x      4 pages    =    12 points
0 points     x      7 pages    =      0 points

(Two of the red pages above are blank copies of the previous spread mistakenly included in the infographic, so please disregard them.)

There are 27 pages in all (including three cover pages, excluding the back cover page).

27 pages x 4 points each = 108 points possible.

Points earned = 76

76 ÷ 108 = ~70.37% complete

In the words of Glados from the Portal games: 
"This was a triumph; I'm making a note here: Huge Decent success!..."

Reformatting future print size from 6.75 x 10.25 inches to 6 x 9 inches

I'm filing this under "progress reports," even though it's really more of a lateral strafe than forward progress.  I think just by staying in motion is important, and this was something fun and to keep me on the project while I worked up some more creativity and gumption to move forward on the story and art.

Nevertheless, I have done some artwork and, and I reworked a few of the things I'd gotten done earlier while I was at this, so I'm still claiming some progress.

Anyway, a while back, I thought I could save some money by printing pocket sized editions at home using borderless printing on saddle bound 8.5 x 11 inch printer paper, producing 5.5 x 8.5 booklets.  As any practiced expert can tell you, that's not a reliable or cost-effective way of doing things.  For some reason, I still felt like I had to give it a shot.

The ultimate bust notwithstanding, I gained from it the idea of a sleeker, more portable format, and I realized that 6 x 9 inches, barely larger than 5.5 x 8.5 inches, is the same proportion as 6.75 x 10.25 inches (a perfect ratio of 2:3).

So, introducing the new size format, along with the (less-recently) reworked logo and cover design:

Followup on this progress report: October 25, 2016

The 6x9 inch format and I have decided to go our separate ways.  I sent some page files in the 6x9 format to see how it would look and feel in my hands, and it wasn't speaking to me the way I had thought it would.

I also found that my brightness and contrast settings needed major tweaking, particularly my more recently created pages, and including on the cover page.  This may be partly due to the software I've been trying out.  The tools in it change the feel of my work in a way I'm not feeling the best about.  I'll still be using Manga Studio, but not relying on the brush tools the way I had been doing.

I'll also be test printing at home from now on, now that I know that I don't want to change formats.  My printer is reliable enough to accurately render a decent resemblance of the final look.

Canon notes - Wolfremic Etiquette

The use of idioms

The Wolfrim have a primarily human consciousness, and as such, they strongly identify as human.  Any idiom that involves a human appendage (e.g.: “give me a hand,” “the shoe is on the other foot,” etc.) remains the same when used by a Wolfram.

Using idioms that involve wolves or dogs (e.g.: “he is a wolf in sheep’s clothing,” “let sleeping dogs lie,” etc.) in a routine manner is not considered offensive.  As a matter of fact, it is extremely irritating to most Wolfrim when a human who uses such an idiom in the usual way falters and begins to backpedal.

Body language

It is not considered poor manners to stand over a Wolfram if done without the pretense of superiority.

Eye contact is treated in accordance with human tradition.

It is considered disrespectful to stroke a Wolfram’s coat or scratch their ears, except when maintaining cover in the presence of the uninitiated.

Placing your hand on a Wolfram’s shoulder is fine when done as to another human.

To embrace a Wolfram is a behavior reserved for potentially long-lasting or indefinite farewells, with extenuating exceptions for desperate intervention, and must be expressly approved by the Wolfram prior to the embrace.

When openly conferring in a mixed group, it is customary for all humans and Wolfrim to sit together on the floor.  It promotes an egalitarian atmosphere and also saves a great deal of strain on the neck.

Attire - Humans

Humans in the presence of several or more Wolfrim should be clad modestly in accordance with local cultural definition, with a preference that they err on the side of more coverage than on the side of less (regardless of sex).  Muted colors are preferred to brighter colors.

Pelts, leather, other skins, and imitations of these are not permitted in a safe haven (or "Cleft") of the Wolfrim.

Attire - Wolfrim

No Wolfram shall be compelled to wear a collar or harness against his/her will, except as required to ensure acceptance and preserve cover in a mortally populated area or to perform duties of fairly-negotiated employment.

No Wolfram shall be compelled to wear a muzzle, except as discipline for gross misconduct against a mortal (involving threats or violent behavior), to be administered by an authority instated and regularly reauthorized by the Ordnung.

No Wolfram shall be compelled to surrender his/her coat against his/her will for any reason whatsoever.

A Wolfram may be shorn at his/her consent and on his/her initiative in order to have the fur crafted into a garment or other charitable gift by an Ordnung-approved craftsman.  In this event, he/she must be escorted to a private area of the Cleft in which he/she is shorn for a period of no less than two months while his/her coat replenishes.

The wearing of clothing by Wolfrim isn’t forbidden.  It just looks really goofy.  Like, really, really goofy.

The previous note notwithstanding, it is considered inappropriate to laugh, smirk, or raise an eyebrow at a Wolfram for wearing an appropriate bow tie to a ceremonious event sponsored by the Ordnung, which, of course, is a socially acceptable, and even encouraged, practice.

The previous note notwithstanding, top hats are fair game for giggles.

Shorn Wolfrim may admit visitors at certain times.  It is considered rude and insensitive for a visitor to balk at the sight of a shorn Wolfram, as visitors are fully expected to arrive mentally and emotionally prepared to behave as though nothing were different.

Progress report for issue #4 - 56%

I've prepared an infographic (of sorts) to show my progress on #4 of Wolfram: A Gothic Parable:

green - complete
blue - almost complete
yellow - started/in need of reworking
red - laid out and scripted only

Counting green pages as 100% complete, blue as 75% complete, yellow as 30% complete, and red as 10% complete, the calculations follow:

green - 12 x 100% --> 1200%
blue -  2 x   75% -->   150%
yellow -   4 x   30% -->   120%
red - 10 x   10% -->   100%

1570% ÷ 28 = ~56% complete

Having felt fairly confident going into those calculations, I disappoint myself somewhat.  So I put it into a Windows style defrag-inspired format to visualize what that actually looks like:


It didn't help me feel any better, but at least I know how far I still have to go. :-(

Wolfremic humorology - based loosely on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator

Four of the humors involved in Wolfremic humorology are based on the four introverted cognitive functions.  The others, if more are created, have yet to finalize their inspiration.

Upon beginning the project of Wolfram: A Gothic Parable, I had already determined that the "adamant" (adamantine: an indestructible building material in Greek mythology, used in the Gates of Tartarus) humor was the substance that made the Wolfrim what they are.  However, I thought later that one particular ability was too limiting to the characterization available to me.

Since Karsten and Isolda both have the adamant feature (the ability to manipulate one's own inertia or virtual mass) I determined that their dominant function Fi (introverted feeling) should be associated with them.

The following are some tentative notes for how I developed the humors created so far.  I apologize for the structure.  I may revise them later for readability.

Resolute humor - Ni1 - INxJ - When activated, only excessive force or exhaustion of the humor can stop them from accomplishing a goal.

Dutiful humor - Si1 - ISxJ - produces an inobligate ability to coordinate with the nearest authoritative cause without the help of verbal/visual/physical communication.

Planner’s trait - Te2 - IxTJ - behind-the-scenes leader

Advocate’s trait - Fe2 - IxFJ - behind-the-scenes helper

Resolute Planner - Ni1/Te2/Fi3/Se4 - INTJ - Director Natalie Löwe-Kesling (Semperfort-Wolfram)

Resolute Advocate - Ni1/Fe2/Ti3/Se4 - INFJ - character not invented

Dutiful Planner - Si1/Te2/Fi3/Ne4 - ISTJ - character not invented

Dutiful Advocate - Si1/Fe2/Ti3/Ne4 - ISFJ - character not invented

Astute humor - Ti1 - IxTP - Unlimited focus, able to produce epiphanies almost on demand.

Adamant humor - Fi1 - IxFP - Ability to manipulate one’s own virtual mass or inertia.

Wordsmith’s trait - INxP - Ne2/Si3 - focuses on words and concepts, relays pertinent information discreetly

Sentinel’s trait - ISxP - Se2/Ni3 - observes present situation keenly and reports pertinent details propmtly

Astute Wordsmith - Ti1/Ne2/Si3/Fe4 - INTP - Josef Zierschreiber (mute Wolfram)

Astute Sentinel - Ti1/Se2/Ni3/Fe4 - ISTP - character not invented

Adamant Wordsmith - Fi1/Ne2/Si3/Te4 - INFP - Karsten Erich Kesling II (Semperfort)

Adamant Sentinel - Fi1/Se2/Ni3/Te4 - ISTP - Isolda Steinbrecher (Wolfram)

First official publiation of canon notes: the Wolfrim

The etymology of "Wolfram" probably indicates the meaning of "wolf soot."  Of the Wolfrim, it was used originally as a pejorative, as it may have been of Tungsten ore (according to the New Oxford American Dictionary that came with my MacBook Pro, and according to

The Wolfrim are sterile.  Their pheromones turn to a very fine, light-colored dust upon leaving their bodies and can sometimes be seen in the air when they shake out their fur.  This is probably why the term "Wolfram" stuck with them.

Wolfram pheromone dust often smells mildly pleasant, having an olfactory semblance of naturally occurring scents, e.g.: petrichor, pine cinders, limestone, or an unplaceable floral scent.

The creation of a Wolfram completes the original Fenrin chimerism into a fused state.

(Fenrin lycanthropes are formed by a chimeric grafting of a wolf (often referred to as a/the "graft") into a human (a/the "sire" or "dame") through dark magic. The human and wolf forms phase in and out of one another, both at will and at the full and new moons, creating the illusion of transformation.)

At the formation of a Wolfram, the bodies and organs of the human and wolf fuse and compress into a single wolflike form.  The stomachs and brains only fuse partway.

The human consciousness, the Werteil ["wehr tayel"] or Wifteil ["wiff tayel"] (wer: "man"; wif: "woman"; teil: "part") remains dominant, almost constantly in command.

The Wolfteil ["vohlf tayel"], is comprised of the subconscious entity that possesses the muscle memory and instinctual tactics that the Wolfram needs in order to survive and perform the duties assigned to him/her.

The Wolfteil must be taught, through “Wolfremic reconciliation,” to trust and submit willingly to the Wer/Wifteil through the sort of attention and love that one should give to any needy and deserving feral consciousness occupying the same body.

Wolfremic reconciliation consists mostly of introspective affection, frequent social interaction with other creatures, and ethically-enacted behavioral conditioning.  This is a crucial series of lifelong habits, and to begin the process is very difficult, since a Fenrin sire’s/dame’s career is spent intimidating and coercing the graft into complicity.

The earlier sessions of Wolfremic reconciliation often resemble paranoia in that the Wolfram appears to be talking to either him/herself or to no one at all, and either staring into space or seeming to attempt eye contact with an invisible entity.  As time passes, introspection and conditioning can be internalized through the neurological conveyance (between the Werteil's and Wolfteil's brain-centers) of impressions, visualization and emotional stimuli.

Most Wolfrim will have nothing to do with the consumption of meat, and those who have survived incarceration at a Fen’r-heim ["house of Fenrîr"] (a "prison farm" where Wolfrim are detained, exploited, and consumed or sold as draft animals or pets) shy away from many other animal-based products.  The fact that their stomach remains partly divided allows them to learn how to ruminate and digest foliage and grass, although they much prefer to eat the varieties of fruits, vegetables, herbs, and spices traditionally consumed by human beings.

Proposition: canon notes.

Production has been much slower than usual for the past three years.  I'm running the risk of losing plot and character plans before I ever get around to putting the story into a tangible form.  I think I have a solution for that: periodic posting of canon notes.

The proposed canon notes will be notes about the physiologies of invented species, the likes, tastes, motivations, and beliefs of individual characters, and the structure and inner workings of the major organizations in Wolfram: A Gothic Parable as I plan to create them, as well as any other details I wish to remember.

Upcoming URL change.

In about a month and a half, I will be switching my URL to

The link is already visitable, but currently contains only a front page saying, "Coming Soon."

The front page to which the link leads is a front page provided by for pages by their customers pending publication.  This blog is not a page, but I'm waiting for my subscription to the 2-year premium services for it to expire.

I currently do have a portfolio page hosted by and registered to for which I am content to pay the monthly premium.  Its address is


July 18, 2016
The switch-over is complete.  I have deactivated the Wolfram: A Gothic Parable website I generated with webs, though I am keeping my portfolio and resume site with them and active.

This blog is now also listed with blogger and discoverable on search engines, and visitors to will be redirected to this domain.

Recent updates

Site-building updates

Let me first offer my apologies to anyone who may have attempted to share the "Catalogue" or "Statement of Intent" pages.

(This is not to presume that they were of particular note, I simply saw some unexpected traffic, so I'm covering all the potential inconveniences I can think of.)

I noticed that in my haste to publish the pages themselves, I neglected to add the title. In blogger, this causes the permalink for the page to include the first few words in the post. I tend to be picky about the permalinks in my website, so I copied the content, and pasted it into new pages, being sure to add the title first. Unfortunately, I didn't take into consideration that I could leave the existing pages in place for a while while hiding them from the Pages widget (the tabs just below the title image).

So... I deleted them.  Sorry again.

I also added some attribution details to the footer of the website and edited the content of the Introduction to Wolfram: A Gothic Parable post from a few days ago. It now includes more complete attribution information for the Ka-Blam banner, which now also appears in the footer of this website.

I'll be sharing all updates to Google+ under my page +Wolfram: A Gothic Parable.  If interested persons think this is not a good idea, I'd invite feedback in the comments below.